
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Authors who wish to submit a manuscript must pay attention to the points below.

  1. Jurnal Penelitian Politik (JPP) accepts manuscripts that are the research results, conceptual ideas, book reviews, and other scientific writing types. Manuscripts must be written in English language.
  2. Author who will submit articles to JPP must first register online and independently on the “register” menu on this electronic journal site. If you find it difficult, you can contact the Secretariat of the Editorial Journal of Political Research at e-mail: Online registration is free of charge.
  3. After being registered, please log in first, then upload the script online via the website until successful (active submissions).
  4. Submitted manuscripts are original works that have never been published or not being under review processes to any other publishers.
  5. Submitted manuscripts must follow the template of JPP that is available in the OJS. After uploading the manuscript, the writer awaits confirmation from the Editor in Chief or the editorial secretariat regarding the author’s manuscript’s status.
  6. References can be divided into books, journals, reports, papers, newspapers, and websites. Reference writing guidelines can be obtained in the template. The manuscripts should cite sources or reference material at least ten publication titles. It is not justified to write references that are not mentioned at all in the text. 80% of works cited should be published in the last ten years.
  7. The display of tables, pictures, or graphs must be readable clearly, and the table title is placed on the table. Image or graph titles are placed under the picture or graph and are equipped with the proper numbering. The placement of tables and figures must be close to the text that references them. Images should be entered as a high-resolution image format. Avoid placing tables and pictures as attachments.
  8. The author is prohibited from sending the same manuscript to another journal if the confirmation or notification of the manuscript’s status is not yet received. The author will receive the status at a maximum of 3 weeks since the manuscript was received).
  9. Editors can change the writing format and the title of the article according to the writing instructions and set the time for publication.
  10. The author is subject to the decisions and decisions resulting from the review of the manuscript by the journal reviewers.
  11. The content of the article follows the writing systematics, which is structured as follows: 
  • JPP uses APA reference style, 12-point Times News Roman, 1.5 spacing, and A4 paper size.
  • The word limit range for original research contribution is 6,000 – 8,000 words and 1,000-1,500 words for the book review articles
  • The title is written in English language. The title must reflect the writing content, be specific, and consist of 10-15 words.
  • Abstracts and keywords in English. Abstract written in one paragraph with 100-250 words. Abstract content describes the essence of the manuscript. Keywords are 4-5 words or phrases.
  • The introduction contains the justification of the article’s issues, its purpose, approaches, and methods.
  • The discussion contains discussion, analysis, argumentation, and author comparisons. The article’s core part can be divided into several subsections, depending on the issue/aspect discussed. Sub-section titles can also be adjusted according to the discussion.
  • The conclusion contains a discussion of important matters of the findings, which can be conclusions, suggestions, or recommendations relating to the found issues.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Author’s name is displayed real, clear, and complete name without inserting the title. More than one author must be separated by a comma;

  2. The complete manuscript is typed on A4 paper with Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, except for abstract with single spacing. A4 paper size, with the number of columns 1, distance from the top edge of 2.5 cm; below 2.5 cm; left 3.5 cm; right 2.5 cm;

  3. Manuscripts are selected by the editorial board. If deemed necessary, the manuscript will be edited in consultation with the author, after which it is published.

  4. The title is typed in capital letters, Times New Roman font, size 14;

  5. The title must be specific, clear, concise, informative, describe the substance or content of the writing, and inspire a sense of reading. The title also does not need to begin with the word research/analysis/study unless the word is the subject matter. A sub-title may follow the main title; (e.g., “WOMEN’S LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS: ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE VICTORY OF PROSPECTIVE REGIONAL HEADS.”

  6. The manuscript file is in the Microsoft Word file format and follows the JPP’s systematics templates.

  7. Manuscripts must be written in writing systematics, which consists of the following elements:

    • Titles in Indonesian and English must reflect the writing content, be specific, and consist of 10-15 words.
    • Author’s name and address/affiliation
    • Abstract (Indonesian and English)
    • Keywords (Indonesian and English)
    • Preliminary
    • Discussion or research results (including pictures, tables, photos, diagrams, etc.)
    • Closing
    • References, if any references are sourced from URLs, please include them.
  8. The article is an original manuscript. Neither has been published or is not in the process of being published by another journal.

Copyright Notice

Author Rights

We require authors to transfer non-exclusive publishing rights to the publisher to enable BRIN Publishing to publish and distribute research articles. This rights transfer is established through a publishing agreement between the authors and BRIN Publishing. The agreement explicitly addresses the transfer or licensing of copyright for publishing purposes to BRIN Publishing, while authors maintain the necessary rights to utilize and share their published articles. BRIN Publishing fully supports authors in sharing, disseminating, and maximizing the impact of their research, including within any databases.

As an author publishing in Jurnal Penelitian Politik, you possess a broad range of rights for various article uses, including within your institute or company. These author rights can be exercised without the requirement of obtaining explicit permission. When publishing in Jurnal Penelitian Politik, authors enjoy extensive rights to utilize their works for educational and scholarly purposes, eliminating the need to seek permission (but it should follow the open access license of Creative Common CC-by-SA License) include :

  • The author or the author's institution can freely employ the article for classroom teaching purposes and present it at meetings or conferences. Additionally, copies of the article can be distributed to the attendees without any hindrance
  • The author's company can utilize the article for internal training purposes without any restrictions
  • Shared with colleagues for their research purposes
  • Incorporated into a future compilation of the author's works
  • Include in a thesis or dissertation without any limitations
  • Portions or extracts from the article can be reused in other works as long as proper acknowledgment of the original article is provided
  • Derivative works can be prepared based on the article, excluding commercial purposes, as long as proper acknowledgment of the original article is given
  • The author or the author's institution can voluntarily post the article on open web sites for scholarly purposes

Authors, readers, and third parties can copy and distribute the material in any medium or format. They can also remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial purposes. However, it is essential to give appropriate credit by mentioning the name of the creator and attribution parties (including the authors' detailed information). A copyright notice, an open-access license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material should also be provided. Moreover, a link to the license and an indication of any changes made must be included. The publisher should indicate any modifications to the material and retain a record of previous modifications using a CrossMark Policy. Furthermore, information regarding Erratum-Corrigendum notification should also be provided.

Authors, readers, and third parties have the freedom to access, read, print, and download the article. They can also redistribute or republish it by displaying it in a repository. Additionally, they can translate the article, download it for text and data mining purposes, reuse portions or extracts from it in other works, sell or reuse it for commercial purposes, and remix, transform, or build upon the material. They must distribute their contributions under the same license as the original Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license.


Publishing Right 

By submitting a manuscript, the authors acknowledge and agree that, if accepted for publication, the article's non-exclusive right for publishing (publishing right) shall be assigned or transferred to the Publisher of Jurnal Penelitian Politik (BRIN Publishing).

Once an article is accepted, authors will receive a notification email, including a 'Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publishing' form. This form, known as the CTAP (Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publishing), needs to be completed by the authors. The agreement can be conveniently accessed online.

Jurnal Penelitian Politik and BRIN Publishing, along with the Editors and the Editorial Board, are committed to upholding the highest standards to prevent the publication of incorrect or misleading data, opinions, or statements in the journal. However, it is essential to note that the authors and advertisers hold the sole and exclusive responsibility for the content of the articles and advertisements published in Jurnal Penelitian Politik.

It is important to remember that while we request a transfer of copyright for publishing through the CTAP, our journal ensures that the authors retain (or are granted back) significant scholarly rights, as mentioned earlier.

The form of Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publishing (CTAP)can be downloaded here : [CTAP Form of Jurnal Penelitian Politik]


Privacy Statement

The Jurnal Penelitian Politik (JPP) editorial board will always protect the exclusive rights and quality of writers’ texts from all forms of copyright infringement (plagiarism). The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal website will be used exclusively to publish the JPP. They will not be misused for other purposes or irresponsibly given to other parties.